Prof. Hongjie Dai et al developed a new battery chemistry with 6 times higher energy density, which may lead to longer battery life for future wearables, hearing aids and cell phones.
Prof. Amin Arbabian et al present the first known instance of a silicon IC being used as the output stage of the transmitter for a thermoacoustic imaging system.
Prof. Steven Collins, Prof. Scott Delp, Prof. Mykel Kochenderfer and Patrick Slade present a wearable system that estimates metabolic energy expenditure in real-time during common steady-state and time-varying activities with substantially lower error than state-of-the-art methods.
Prof. Eric Pop et al describe flexible nanoscale field effect transistors based on 2D semiconductors, such as MoS2, MoSe2 and WSe2, their fabrication, and properties.
Prof. Gordon Wetzstein et al introduce a stereo rendering technique that models the gaze-dependent shift of the no-parallax point in the human eye and show that gaze-contingent stereo rendering improves the perceptual realism and depth perception of emerging wearable computing systems.
Caitlyn Seim, Steven Wolf and Thad Starner show that VTS applied to a disabled limb may positively impact tactile perception, tone and spasticity, and voluntary range of motion.
Prof. Pablo Paredes, Prof. Zhenan Bao, Prof. Boris Murmann et al. outline design considerations of a wearable device for continuously measuring physiological parameters linked to chronic stress and resulting mental health conditions.
Prof. Matthew Smuck et al determine different sensor-based gait parameters for distinguishing between patients with lumbar spinal stenosis versus knee osteoarthritis.
Prof. Guosong Hong, Prof. Alberto Salleo, et al discuss that flexible electronics will play a major role in neuroscience studies and neurological therapies via neuromorphic devices on flexible substrates and the development of enhanced methods of neuronal interpenetration.