
January 2019

December 2018

Newsletter for December 2018.

November 2018

Newsletter for November 2018.

Validation and comparison of instrumented mouthguards for measuring head kinematics and assessing brain deformation in football impacts

Prof. David Camarillo, Prof. Gerald Grant, Prof. Michael Zeineh et al test three kinds of mouthguards and discuss their accuracy and implications for design.

Pre-symptomatic detection of COVID-19 from smartwatch data

Prof. Michael Snyder et al describe results indicating that activity tracking and health monitoring via consumer wearable devices may be used for the large-scale, real-time detection of respiratory infections.

Fully stretchable active-matrix organic light-emitting electrochemical cell array

Prof. Zhenan Bao, Prof. Reinhold Dauskardt et al demonstrate the feasibility of displays mounted on the skin using robust materials and processes that serve as a reference for further materials development.

Microengineering pressure sensor active layers for improved performance

Prof. Zhenan Bao et al review how microengineering is used to improve the performance of capacitive, resistive, piezoelectric, and triboelectric pressure sensors and describe potential future needs of the field to efficiently meet the growing demand for new pressure sensors in the biomedical space.

Effect of behavioral realism on social interactions inside collaborative virtual environments

Prof. Allison Okamura and Julie M. Walker report a study showing navigation guidance via a holdable or wearable haptic device.

A bioinspired stretchable membrane-based compliance sensor

Prof. Zhenan Bao et al demonstrate a novel sensor that can differentiate the pliability of various objects to be grasped by a robot.

Rational design of capacitive pressure sensors based on pyramidal microstructures for specialized monitoring of biosignals

Prof. Zhenan Bao et al develop a model to predict sensor performance trends prior to device fabrication and demonstrate the method can be used to preferentially design a pressure sensor for in vitro pulse sensing.