eWEAR Annual Meeting Symposium 2023
Wednesday, February 8, 2023
Morning Session | 9:00 am – 12:30 pm PST
Lunch | 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm PST (in-person only)
Entrepreneur Pitch Competition | 1:30 pm – 4:00 pm PST (closed session)
Poster Session | 4:30 pm – 6:30 pm PST (in person only)
Affiliate Registration – eWEAR Affiliate member companies, VIPs, and the Stanford University community with SUNetID Affiliate Registration – eWEAR Affiliate member companies, VIPs, and the Stanford University community with SUNetID
Non-affiliate Registration – Prospective members and other paying attendees
Questions? Ask wearable-electronics@stanford.edu
Location: This will be a hybrid event live on Zoom and in person at Stanford University. If you are interested in attending in-person please select “in-person” when registering above.
Use the buttons below to jump to a specific section:
Agenda & Speakers:
9:00am- Angela McIntyre, Welcome
9:10am- Professor Zhenan Bao, “Recent progress in skin-inspired wearables”
9:40am- Amir Foudeh, Ph.D. (Neuralink), “Neuralink at a glance”
10:10am- Professor Jae-Woong Jeong, Ph.D. (KAIST), “Soft wireless optogenetic implants for advanced neural interfacing”
10:40am- Break
11:00am- Professor Peter Tass, “Vibrotactile coordinated reset fingertip stimulation – Treating Parkinson’s with a vibrating glove”
11:30am- Nick West, M.D. (Abbott), “Wearables for the diagnosis & monitoring of cardiovascular disease”
12:00pm- Professor Michael Snyder, “Remote health monitoring using wearables and microsampling”
12:30pm- Lunch (1 hour, in-person only)
4:30pm- Poster Session & Reception (In-person only, Huang Foyer, 4:30pm-6:30pm)
Abstracts and Bios:

Zhenan Bao
K.K. Lee Professor in Chemical Engineering
Stanford University
Bao is a member of the National Academy of Engineering, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the National Academy of Inventors. She a foreign member of the Chinese Academy of Science.
Bao was the inaugural recipient of the VinFuture Prize Female Innovator 2022, the ACS Chemistry of Materials Award 2022, MRS Mid-Career Award in 2021, AICHE Alpha Chi Sigma Award 2021, ACS Central Science Disruptor and Innovator Prize in 2020, Gibbs Medal by the Chicago session of ACS in 2020, Wilhelm Exner Medal by Austrian Federal Minister of Science 2018, ACS Award on Applied Polymer Science 2017, L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science Award in the Physical Sciences 2017.
Bao is a co-founder and on the Board of Directors for C3 Nano and PyrAmes, both are silicon-valley venture funded start-ups. She serves as an advising Partner for Fusion Venture Capital.
Bao has been working closely with colleagues in Science, Engineering and Medicine to advance the use of soft electronics for wearable and implantable electronics for precision health, precision mental health and advance the understanding of neuroscience. Her group has developed foundational materials and devices that enabled a a new generation of skin-inspired soft electronics. They open up unprecedented opportunities for understanding human health and developing monitoring, diagnosis and treatment tools. A few recent examples include: a wireless tuner growth monitoring tool, a wireless wound healing patch, a soft neurostring for simultaneous neurochemical monitoring in the brain and gut, and Mentaid: a wearable for monitoring mental health.

Amir Foudeh, Ph.D.
Member of Technical Staff

Jae-Woong Jeong, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
Dr. Jae-Woong Jeong is an Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST). He received his PhD degree in electrical engineering from Stanford University in 2012, and worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign from 2012 to 2014. Before joining KAIST, he was an Assistant Professor of Electrical, Computer & Energy Engineering at University of Colorado, Boulder from 2015 to 2017. Dr. Jeong’s research focus is in soft bio-integrated electronics and systems for brain research and advanced healthcare.

Peter Tass
Professor of Neurosurgery
Stanford University

Nick West, M.D.
Chief Medical Officer & Divisional Vice President of Global Medical Affairs

Michael Snyder
Stanford B. Ascherman Professor and Chair, Department of Genetics, Director, Stanford Center for Genomics and Personalized Medicine, School of Medicine
Stanford University
Entrepreneur Pitch Competition (closed session):
Alex Sackeim | Surf Therapeutics: Harnessing the power of ultrasound to treat Rheumatoid Arthritis
Allison Okamura | Touché: Wearable take-home Vibrotactile stimulation for stroke rehabilitation
Allison Zhang | Exposomics– Empowering precision environmental health
David Camarillo and Gordon Avery | Savior Brain is developing an artificial intelligence platform that analyzes helmet sensor data to diagnose falls, helmet damage, and brain injuries
Paul George and Matine Azadian | Wireless conductive polymer system for in vivo neural progenitor cell stimulation for stem cell delivery to enhance stroke recovery
Peter Santa Maria and Kristen Steenerson | DizzyDx: Wearable patch for recording episodes of dizziness in the home to help clinicians make a diagnosis
Poster Presenters (in-person, Huang Foyer):
Matias Horst, “Mechanochemistry of fused cyclobutanes”
Roulince Dukuly Jr, “Investigating Iron antimony oxides, nitrides, and sulfides as oxygen reduction electrocatalysts for fuel cells”
Pingyu Wang, “Direct-Print 3D electrodes for high-resolution and high-multiplexity neural interfaces”
Tom Pritsky & Pyungwoo Yeon, “Augmented reality wearables for all day use”
Lara Weed, “The impact of missing data and imputation methods on the analysis of 24-hour activity patterns”
Koosha Nassiri Nazif, “Novel high-specific-power solar cells for powering wearable electronics”
Kyle Yoshida, “Cognitive and physical activities impair perception of smartphone vibrations”
Joshua Leaston, “TrueTone: A digital solution for personalized sunscreen based on your skin type”
Brian Do, “A large-area wearable soft haptic device using stacked pneumatic pouch actuation”
Chris Cooper, “Autonomous self-recognition and healing in multilayer soft electronics using dynamic polymers with immiscible backbones”
Ali Kight, “A durable, soft sensor for continuous strain monitoring of the right ventricle in high-risk heart failure patients”
Rianna Jitosho, “Portable pneumatics for wearable soft robots”
Arielle Berman, “A multifunctional pressure and strain sensor for tactile compliance identification”
Kyun Kyu (Richard) Kim, “AI-enhanced electronic skin that rapidly reads hand tasks with limited data”
Jinglong Wang, Mengxiong Wang, & Yuyan Jiang, “Wearable UV dosage meters”
Omar Elsafty, “Mechanics-driven modeling of skin for wearable design”
Rachel Adenekan, “Sensory threshold measurement using smartphone vibrations”
Joel Kiernan, “Reaction times to visual, haptic and auditory stimuli”
Max Saccone, “Additive manufacturing of micro-architected metals via hydrogel infusion”
Muhammad Khatib, “High-density soft bioelectronic fibers”
Yi Zhang, “Engineering novel insulins from omniligase-1-mediated insulin-phage libraries”
Gabriel Lipkowitz, “Computational co-design for supportless vat photopolymerization 3D printing”
Joseph Winer, “Characterizing sleep-wake rhythms in neurodegenerative disease”
Ananya Goyal, “Sensitivity of qMRI to tendon laxity and strain”
Xiao Yang, “Kirigami electronics for long-term electrophysiological recording of neural organoids and assembloids”
Ziyi Pan & Sebastian Hendrickx-Rodriguez, “Measurement of water transport properties in SiOx/SiOxCy moisture barriers and human skins using infrared imaging”
Bingyi Wang, “Electronic photoreceptors enable prosthetic visual acuity matching the natural resolution in rats”
Ali Rahimpour Jounghani, “An fNIRS platform for precision mental health”
Jasmin Palmer, “Haptic feedback relocation from the fingertips to the wrist for two-finger manipulation in virtual reality”
Jaeho Park & Chuanzhen Zhao, “A wearable system for real-time monitoring of multi-modal mental health biomarkers”
Shuai Wu, “Robotic microsurgeon spinners for minimally invasive surgeries”
Yoko Tomo, “Tuning thermal conductivity by molecular structure alignment”

Angela McIntyre, Host
Executive Director of eWEAR
Stanford University

Katryna Dillard
Program Manager of eWEAR
Stanford University

Yilei Wu, Photographer
Research Engineer, Chemical Engineering
Stanford University

Lucia Brunel, Poster Session Organizer
Ph.D. Candidate in Chemical Engineering
Stanford University
Lucia Brunel is pursuing her Ph.D. at Stanford University in the Department of Chemical Engineering. She obtained her B.S. and M.S. degrees in Chemical Engineering from Northwestern University (Goldwater Scholar) in 2018 and her M.Phil. degree in Materials Science from the University of Cambridge (Marshall Scholar) in 2019. Her research interests include 3D bioprinting, polymeric biomaterials as scaffolds for in vitro tissue models, and regenerative therapies for the eye. Her Ph.D. research is advised by Prof. Sarah Heilshorn.