
eWEAR Annual Meeting Symposium 2023

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Morning Session | 9:00 am – 12:30 pm PST

Lunch | 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm PST (in-person only)

Entrepreneur Pitch Competition | 1:30 pm – 4:00 pm PST (closed session)

Poster Session | 4:30 pm – 6:30 pm PST (in person only)

Affiliate Registration – eWEAR Affiliate member companies, VIPs, and the Stanford University community with SUNetID Affiliate Registration – eWEAR Affiliate member companies, VIPs, and the Stanford University community with SUNetID

Non-affiliate Registration – Prospective members and other paying attendees 

Questions? Ask wearable-electronics@stanford.edu

Location: This will be a hybrid event live on Zoom and in person at Stanford University. If you are interested in attending in-person please select “in-person” when registering above.

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Agenda & Speakers:

9:00am- Angela McIntyre, Welcome

9:10am- Professor Zhenan Bao, “Recent progress in skin-inspired wearables”

9:40am- Amir Foudeh, Ph.D. (Neuralink), “Neuralink at a glance”

10:10am- Professor Jae-Woong Jeong, Ph.D. (KAIST), “Soft wireless optogenetic implants for advanced neural interfacing”

10:40am- Break

11:00am- Professor Peter Tass, “Vibrotactile coordinated reset fingertip stimulation – Treating Parkinson’s with a vibrating glove”

11:30am- Nick West, M.D. (Abbott), “Wearables for the diagnosis & monitoring of cardiovascular disease”

12:00pm- Professor Michael Snyder, “Remote health monitoring using wearables and microsampling”

12:30pm- Lunch (1 hour, in-person only)

4:30pm- Poster Session & Reception (In-person only, Huang Foyer, 4:30pm-6:30pm)

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Abstracts and Bios:

Zhenan Bao

Zhenan Bao

K.K. Lee Professor in Chemical Engineering
Stanford University

Bao is K.K. Lee Professor of Chemical Engineering, and by courtesy, a Professor of Chemistry and a Professor of Material Science and Engineering at Stanford University. She was Department Chair of Chemical Engineering from 2018-2022. Bao founded the Stanford Wearable Electronics Initiate (eWEAR) in 2016 and serves as the faculty director. She is a CZ Biohub investigator since 2022. Prior to joining Stanford in 2004, she was a Distinguished Member of Technical Staff in Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies from 1995-2004. She received her Ph.D in Chemistry from the University of Chicago in 1995. She has close to 700 refereed publications and over 80 US patents with a Google Scholar H-Index 198. She is one of the Clarivate Citation Laureates.

Bao is a member of the National Academy of Engineering, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the National Academy of Inventors. She a foreign member of the Chinese Academy of Science.

Bao was the inaugural recipient of the VinFuture Prize Female Innovator 2022, the ACS Chemistry of Materials Award 2022, MRS Mid-Career Award in 2021, AICHE Alpha Chi Sigma Award 2021, ACS Central Science Disruptor and Innovator Prize in 2020, Gibbs Medal by the Chicago session of ACS in 2020, Wilhelm Exner Medal by Austrian Federal Minister of Science 2018, ACS Award on Applied Polymer Science 2017, L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science Award in the Physical Sciences 2017.

Bao is a co-founder and on the Board of Directors for C3 Nano and PyrAmes, both are silicon-valley venture funded start-ups. She serves as an advising Partner for Fusion Venture Capital.

Bao has been working closely with colleagues in Science, Engineering and Medicine to advance the use of soft electronics for wearable and implantable electronics for precision health, precision mental health and advance the understanding of neuroscience. Her group has developed foundational materials and devices that enabled a a new generation of skin-inspired soft electronics. They open up unprecedented opportunities for understanding human health and developing monitoring, diagnosis and treatment tools. A few recent examples include: a wireless tuner growth monitoring tool, a wireless wound healing patch, a soft neurostring for simultaneous neurochemical monitoring in the brain and gut, and Mentaid: a wearable for monitoring mental health.

In this talk, I will discuss several recent applications of skin-inspired wearables, such as tumor progression monitoring, wound healing patch, and skin-sensor combined with meta learning for rapid hand gesture recognition.

Amir Foudeh

Amir Foudeh, Ph.D.

Member of Technical Staff

Amir Foudeh is a Member of Technical Staff at Neuralink developing next generation of high bandwidth brain machine interfaces. Prior to Neuralink he was a postdoctoral fellow at Stanford under supervision of Prof. Bao working on wearable electronics for mental health application. He received his PhD from McGill University in Biomedical Engineering where he received Leslie A. Geddes Prize for the best Ph.D. dissertation for his work on developing lab on a chip devices for bio-sensing applications. He is an author of over 20 peer-reviewed papers.

Neuralink is a neurotechnology company that develops implantable brain–computer interfaces. It is building devices that have the potential to help people with paralysis and inventing new technologies that could expand our abilities. This talk will cover a few of the key core technologies that have been developed and some of the exciting next generation applications.

Jae-Woong Jeong

Jae-Woong Jeong, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)


Dr. Jae-Woong Jeong is an Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST). He received his PhD degree in electrical engineering from Stanford University in 2012, and worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign from 2012 to 2014. Before joining KAIST, he was an Assistant Professor of Electrical, Computer & Energy Engineering at University of Colorado, Boulder from 2015 to 2017. Dr. Jeong’s research focus is in soft bio-integrated electronics and systems for brain research and advanced healthcare.

Optogenetics holds tremendous promise for dissecting neural circuits and controlling neurophysiological systems in freely behaving animals. However, the full potential of its in vivo applications is limited by the use of conventional optical fibers for photostimulation. This tool significantly damages neural tissue and severely limits the animal’s natural behavior, mainly due to its rigid construction, bulky design, and tethered operation. To address these limitations, we have developed soft optogenetic neural implants, which can provide wireless neurostimulation in awake, behaving animals. This design enables a compact, neurophilic system, thus enabling seamless chronic implantation and operation in the brain. This talk will overview our recent developments and highlight their prospects for neuroscience research and therapeutic applications.

Peter Tass

Peter Tass

Professor of Neurosurgery
Stanford University

Dr. Peter Tass investigates and develops neuromodulation techniques for understanding and treating neurologic conditions such as Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy, dysfunction following stroke and tinnitus. He creates invasive and non-invasive therapeutic procedures by means of comprehensive computational neuroscience studies and advanced data analysis techniques. The computational neuroscience studies guide experiments that use clinical electrophysiology measures, such as high density EEG recordings and MRI imaging, and various outcome measures. He has pioneered a neuromodulation approach based on thorough computational modelling that employs dynamic self-organization, plasticity and other neuromodulation principles to produce sustained effects after stimulation. To investigate stimulation effects and disease-related brain activity, he focuses on the development of stimulation methods that cause a sustained neural desynchronization by an unlearning of abnormal synaptic interactions. He also performs and contributes to pre-clinical and clinical research in related areas.

Abnormally strong neuronal synchronization is a hallmark of Parkinson’s disease (PD). In medically refractory PD patients, standard deep brain stimulation (DBS) reduces specific symptoms during stimulus delivery. Coordinated Reset (CR)-DBS is a computationally developed technique which uses dedicated patterns of electrical stimuli to specifically counteract abnormal neuronal synchronization by desynchronization. The very goal of CR stimulation is to make neuronal populations unlearn abnormal synaptic connectivity patterns, in this way inducing long-lasting relief. Long-lasting therapeutic and desynchronizing CR-DBS effects were demonstrated in Parkinsonian (MPTP) monkeys and externalized PD patients. To provide a non-invasive alternative to DBS, we developed vibrotactile Coordinated Reset (vCR) fingertip stimulation. To this end, instead of administering electrical bursts through depth electrodes, we non-invasively deliver weak vibratory bursts in a CR mode to patients’ fingertips. In a first-in-human study, vCR fingertip stimulation was administered to 5 idiopathic PD patients for in total 4 h per day on 3 consecutive days. Off-medication kinematic assessments revealed improved gait and bradykinesia during stimulation days and after 1 month after cessation of stimulation. In a pilot study, six idiopathic PD patients were treated with vCR stimulation delivered for in total 4 hours per day for 3 months. Patients’ conditions were evaluated after medication withdrawal (off medication) by means of MDS-UPDRS III scores and EEG recordings before and after 3 months of vCR. vCR therapy caused a statistically and clinically significant reduction of PD symptoms off medication together with a significant reduction of high beta (21-30 Hz) power in the sensorimotor cortex (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dSjv6m4xLH0 ). Additionally, in a case series in 3 idiopathic PD patients, 6+ months of vCR therapy caused a significant motor improvement, where off-medication MDS-UPDRS III scores decreased linearly. The ultimate goal of vCR is to induce sustained symptom relief by non-invasively delivering weak vibratory stimulation patterns only regularly or occasionally.

Nick West, M.D.

Chief Medical Officer & Divisional Vice President of Global Medical Affairs

Dr. Nick West is Chief Medical Officer and Divisional Vice President of Global Medical Affairs for Abbott’s vascular business. He graduated in medicine from Trinity Hall, University of Cambridge and St. Thomas’ Hospital Medical School, London, and trained in interventional cardiology at the John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford and Green Lane Hospital, Auckland, New Zealand. Until late 2019 he was a practising NHS interventional cardiologist, first at the Gloucestershire Royal Hospitals Trust, where he set up the county’s non-surgical PCI center, and latterly at the Royal Papworth Hospital, Cambridge, the UK’s largest specialist cardiothoracic center. His research interests include vascular biology, coronary physiology/microvascular function, intracoronary imaging/vulnerable plaque detection, acute myocardial infarction and use of bioresorbable scaffolds. He was a founding member of the Cambridge-based vulnerable plaque biotech startup, PlaqueTec Ltd.

From our primary research program, it is clear that in today’s fragmented healthcare systems, truly patient-centric and personalized healthcare remains an unfulfilled aim in cardiovascular disease. The ability to drive tailored and individualized care pathways relies on acquiring patient-level data in volumes hitherto unseen. While wearables and remote monitoring devices are potentially key elements in delivering this promise, their function goes beyond acting simply as data harvesting tools, and could encompass the capability to influence patient behaviors. As a key component to improve outcomes and shared decision-making, wearables can support adherence to medications and lifestyle changes. Unresolved hurdles include broad acceptability, access, data privacy/trust, and the ability to acquire and integrate data into predictive care models and electronic healthcare records.

Michael Snyder

Stanford B. Ascherman Professor and Chair, Department of Genetics, Director, Stanford Center for Genomics and Personalized Medicine, School of Medicine
Stanford University

Michael Snyder is the Stanford Ascherman Professor and Chair of Genetics and the Director of the Center of Genomics and Personalized Medicine. He received his Ph.D. training at the California Institute of Technology and carried out postdoctoral training at Stanford University. Dr. Snyder has pioneered the use of “big data” and multiomics to advance scientific discovery and transform healthcare. His laboratory has invented many technologies that are widely used in medicine and research, including methods for characterizing genomes and their products (e.g. RNA-Seq, NGS paired end sequencing, ChIP-Chip and later Chip-Seq, protein arrays, machine learning for disease gene discovery). His application of omics and wearables technologies to perform longitudinal profiling of people when they are healthy and ill is transforming medicine and healthcare. Indeed, his laboratory’s recent work to use smartwatches and wearables to detect illness, including infectious disease such as COVID-19, prior to symptom onset is being used by many thousands of people.

We have been trying to transform healthcare from the current practice of diagnosing and treating people when they are ill (i.e., sickcare) to actively monitoring people while they are healthy and trying to keep them that way1,2,3,4. This involves collecting deep data while they are health detecting shifts from their healthy baseline. Using smartwatches and CGM we have been detecting illness from infectious disease and glucose dysfunction, respectively, pre-symptomatically. We have also developed a novel microsampling methods for remote sampling for deep biochemical profiles. These approaches will enable facile and proactive health monitoring. 

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Entrepreneur Pitch Competition (closed session):

Alex Sackeim | Surf Therapeutics: Harnessing the power of ultrasound to treat Rheumatoid Arthritis

Allison Okamura
 | Touché: Wearable take-home Vibrotactile stimulation for stroke rehabilitation

Allison Zhang
 | Exposomics– Empowering precision environmental health

David Camarillo and Gordon Avery
 | Savior Brain is developing an artificial intelligence platform that analyzes helmet sensor data to diagnose falls, helmet damage, and brain injuries

Paul George and Matine Azadian
 | Wireless conductive polymer system for in vivo neural progenitor cell stimulation for stem cell delivery to enhance stroke recovery

Peter Santa Maria and Kristen Steenerson
 | DizzyDx: Wearable patch for recording episodes of dizziness in the home to help clinicians make a diagnosis

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Poster Presenters (in-person, Huang Foyer):

Matias Horst, “Mechanochemistry of fused cyclobutanes”

Roulince Dukuly Jr, “Investigating Iron antimony oxides, nitrides, and sulfides as oxygen reduction electrocatalysts for fuel cells”

Pingyu Wang, “Direct-Print 3D electrodes for high-resolution and high-multiplexity neural interfaces”

Tom Pritsky & Pyungwoo Yeon, “Augmented reality wearables for all day use”

Lara Weed, “The impact of missing data and imputation methods on the analysis of 24-hour activity patterns”

Koosha Nassiri Nazif, “Novel high-specific-power solar cells for powering wearable electronics”

Kyle Yoshida, “Cognitive and physical activities impair perception of smartphone vibrations”

Joshua Leaston, “TrueTone: A digital solution for personalized sunscreen based on your skin type”

Brian Do, “A large-area wearable soft haptic device using stacked pneumatic pouch actuation”

Chris Cooper, “Autonomous self-recognition and healing in multilayer soft electronics using dynamic polymers with immiscible backbones”

Ali Kight, “A durable, soft sensor for continuous strain monitoring of the right ventricle in high-risk heart failure patients”

Rianna Jitosho, “Portable pneumatics for wearable soft robots”

Arielle Berman, “A multifunctional pressure and strain sensor for tactile compliance identification”

Kyun Kyu (Richard) Kim, “AI-enhanced electronic skin that rapidly reads hand tasks with limited data”

Jinglong Wang, Mengxiong Wang, & Yuyan Jiang, “Wearable UV dosage meters”

Omar Elsafty, “Mechanics-driven modeling of skin for wearable design”

Rachel Adenekan, “Sensory threshold measurement using smartphone vibrations”

Joel Kiernan, “Reaction times to visual, haptic and auditory stimuli”

Max Saccone, “Additive manufacturing of micro-architected metals via hydrogel infusion”

Muhammad Khatib, “High-density soft bioelectronic fibers”

Yi Zhang, “Engineering novel insulins from omniligase-1-mediated insulin-phage libraries”

Gabriel Lipkowitz, “Computational co-design for supportless vat photopolymerization 3D printing”

Joseph Winer, “Characterizing sleep-wake rhythms in neurodegenerative disease”

Ananya Goyal, “Sensitivity of qMRI to tendon laxity and strain”

Xiao Yang, “Kirigami electronics for long-term electrophysiological recording of neural organoids and assembloids”

Ziyi Pan & Sebastian Hendrickx-Rodriguez, “Measurement of water transport properties in SiOx/SiOxCy moisture barriers and human skins using infrared imaging”

Bingyi Wang, “Electronic photoreceptors enable prosthetic visual acuity matching the natural resolution in rats”

Ali Rahimpour Jounghani, “An fNIRS platform for precision mental health”

Jasmin Palmer, “Haptic feedback relocation from the fingertips to the wrist for two-finger manipulation in virtual reality”

Jaeho Park & Chuanzhen Zhao, “A wearable system for real-time monitoring of multi-modal mental health biomarkers”

Shuai Wu, “Robotic microsurgeon spinners for minimally invasive surgeries”

Yoko Tomo, “Tuning thermal conductivity by molecular structure alignment”

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Angela Mcintyre

Angela McIntyre, Host

Executive Director of eWEAR
Stanford University

Angela McIntyre is the Executive Director of the Stanford Wearable Electronics (eWEAR) Initiative. She manages the eWEAR affiliates program and provides member companies opportunities to connect with research and events related to wearables at Stanford University. Before coming to Stanford, Angela was the lead analyst for industry research on wearables at Gartner. She advised companies bringing emerging wearable technology to market and was a frequent speaker at industry events. Her research included wearables as part of the Internet of Things, for artificial intelligence applications, for healthcare and as human-machine interfaces. Angela’s career in the tech industry also includes management of multi-company research programs at Intel and of R&D collaborations with semiconductor process equipment suppliers at Texas Instruments. Angela has an M.S. in Electronic Materials from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, an M.S. in Management from MIT Sloan School and a Bachelors of Electrical Engineering from the University of Dayton.
Katryna Dillard

Katryna Dillard

Program Manager of eWEAR
Stanford University

Katryna Dillard joined Stanford University in April 2021 as the program manager for the Stanford Wearable Electronics (eWEAR) Initiative. As the program manager Katryna manages the logistics of annual symposiums, monthly seminars/newsletters, tracking and updating current affiliate member companies, and acts as a point of contact with affiliate members while providing administrative support. Prior to joining eWEAR Katryna worked in hotels at the front desk and in events for 5 years. She graduated from Whittier College with a B.A. in Sociology and Theatre Communication Arts with an emphasis in Design and Technology.
Yilei Wu

Yilei Wu, Photographer

Research Engineer, Chemical Engineering
Stanford University

Yilei Wu has been a photographer for over 10 years specializing in portrait and event photography. He has been the official photographer for eWear symposiums for the past 5 years and is known for his skills in capturing the enthusiasm in the discussions during the meeting and at the poster session.
Lucia Brunel

Lucia Brunel, Poster Session Organizer

Ph.D. Candidate in Chemical Engineering
Stanford University


Lucia Brunel is pursuing her Ph.D. at Stanford University in the Department of Chemical Engineering. She obtained her B.S. and M.S. degrees in Chemical Engineering from Northwestern University (Goldwater Scholar) in 2018 and her M.Phil. degree in Materials Science from the University of Cambridge (Marshall Scholar) in 2019. Her research interests include 3D bioprinting, polymeric biomaterials as scaffolds for in vitro tissue models, and regenerative therapies for the eye. Her Ph.D. research is advised by Prof. Sarah Heilshorn.