Entrepreneur Pitch Event

Information- 2023 Entrepreneur Pitch Competition

Wednesday, February 8th, 1:30 to 4:00 pm PST

Entrepreneur Pitch Event


Alex Sackeim | Surf Therapeutics: Harnessing the power of ultrasound to treat Rheumatoid Arthritis

Allison Okamura
 | Touché: Wearable take-home Vibrotactile stimulation for stroke rehabilitation

Allison Zhang
 | Exposomics– Empowering precision environmental health

David Camarillo and Gordon Avery
 | Savior Brain is developing an artificial intelligence platform that analyzes helmet sensor data to diagnose falls, helmet damage, and brain injuries

Paul George and Matine Azadian
 | Wireless conductive polymer system for in vivo neural progenitor cell stimulation for stem cell delivery to enhance stroke recovery

Peter Santa Maria and Kristen Steenerson
 | DizzyDx: Wearable patch for recording episodes of dizziness in the home to help clinicians make a diagnosis

Stanford students, postdocs, and faculty

  • Present business ideas, plans, and technology for feedback from an expert panel of volunteers from venture capital firms, angel or seed investors, and industry professionals. Entrepreneurs planning to start a company or with a company in the seed funding stage are welcome.

An award of $10,000 will be given to one presenter/team– 

  • Winner selected by a panel of judges (mentors).
  • Each presenter/team receives $500 for participation. 
  • The competition is a closed session with participants limited to contestants and mentors. Presentations are not public disclosures. There are no confidentiality agreements.

Scope of topics

  • The scope includes technology, hardware, or devices that are for sensing, interfaces, or flexible/stretchable electronics, worn or carried on the body or implanted in the body for uses as consumer devices, medical devices, or in robotics or vehicles.

Build your experience and resume

  • Speakers selected on ability to participate in person, relevance to the scope of topics, stage of company/idea, and order of application received.